Horse Premix is a combibation of a blend of vitamins and minerals to supply your horse with all of the base nutrition needed to be strong and healthy.

Premix for Horses

Mineral and vitamin supplementation is an essential pillar for the good health and performance of horses.
Vitamins used in the feedcom premix formula help to prevent deficiencies that can cause multiple disorders. Indeed, Vitamin A promotes growth, stimulates appetite, improves coat, Vitamin D affects the availability of calcium and phosphorus, Vitamin E promote weight gain and feed efficiency and prevents tissues destruction in the body. All the vitamins (k, B, C) as well as choline therefore constitute guarantees for the proper physiological functioning of the horse.
The same consideration is given to minerals whose presence in sufficient quantity is ensured by our premix. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are necessary for building strong bones and are involved in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and enzymatic activity.
Sodium and chlorine play a major role in maintaining osmotic pressure and acid-base balance in body fluids. The trace elements are are also with the same importance, indeed, they participate in a set of physiological activities such as protein synthesis, hemoglobin synthesis, efficiency of the humanitarian system, cholesterol synthesis and energy metabolism, etc. …